
  1. New tools and networks for observation and modeling.
  2. Role of research in operational approaches (eg: Operational coastal oceanography, MSFD, WFD,…).
  3. Risks to resources and ecossystems.
  4. Risks to human health (chemical and biological aspects).
  5. Ecosystem resilience.

Terms of reference:  In a context of rapid change, human societies are planning their future actions to reduce the pressures and / or adaptation factors by integrating the constraint of the impacts suffered. It is therefore particularly crucial to identify and better understand the relationships between factors of environmental pressure accumulated at different scales of space and time and their current or potential impacts. These relationships may be analyzed during this third session in terms of hazard probabilities, vulnerability and risks both on biodiversity and on the socio-ecosystems.

R. Forster – Keynote 3 Developments in satellite mapping of the intertidal zone and coastal seas

M. Kobayashi – local El Nino observed in Peru

I. Galparsoro – Development of innovative tools to support the spatial planning

P. Gernez – CouplingEarth observation and oyster physiological modelling

J. Bald – project RICORE

M. Girault – alkaline phosphatase activity under climate change

F. Benedetti – temporal fluctuation of plankton communities and sardina pilchardus

A. Ballagh – organic matter modelling

M. Drius – Developing proper indicators of tourism sustainability


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